Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 Sites That Will Instantly Lift Your Mood

Annie and Jay-Z were right: it's a hard-knock life. Sure, there are amazing days that make you smile and affirm how fantastic it is to be alive, but some days you can't help but get bogged down in the day-to-day grind and have to fight to be positive. There's work to be done, to-do items to be checked, bills to pay and people who won't stop pestering you to do things for them. Next time you are sitting at your computer having a "how did I get here?" moment skip sharing your frustration on Twitter or your blog and check out a guaranteed mood lifter website. Remember, we're all in this together.

I Love You More Than

There's nothing sweeter than admitting how much you love someone. Feel good website I Love You More Than lets you add your own sweet candy-heart message, declaring, "I love you more than . . . " whatever you love SO much more than.

If you're just a fan of love, particularly little personal declarations of quirky love, you'll also love this site more than most others. And that's saying something.

I Feel...

So you're visiting a new city and you want to check out the sights. The only problem is you have limited time and don't want to spend hours browsing through city guides. But you do know how you are feeling — whether it's romantic, energetic, hungover, broke, or naughty — which is all you need for this helpful website to work its magic. I Feel NYC is a new mood-based navigation site (also available for London and Toronto) that allows you to share various things that you like to do in that particular city when you are feeling a certain way. You can also check out other people's mood-inspired city suggestions. It's currently in beta, but stay tuned for more cities to be added.

I Used to Believe

Whimsical and sentimental, I Used to Believe is a collaborative website where people post what their childhood misconceptions and beliefs were.

Posts range from funny kid stuff — like what tapioca eyes really were, where babies came from — to the philosophical and surreal, like the thought that the world didn't exist unless you were looking. That last one for me is one of my childhood beliefs as well; in fact, it's not uncommon to cruise around the site reading entries and going, "me too!"


ArrivedOK acts as an international flight tracker and will allow you to input your flight with the destination airport, expected arrival time, and the phone number and emails of the person(s) picking you up at the airport. This amazing site/service will shoot them a message as soon as you land by detecting that your phone has been turned on. The subscriber's phone must be registered with a local GSM network to work.

Ask your loved ones to use it when they travel for work or pleasure so you can rest assured they arrived okay.

I Am Unique

Get your 3D dreams made into a reality: the new website I Am Unique takes not just your photo, but your digital life, and provides you with a 3D image of you.

I used only a picture to start out with, and had way too much fun just looking at my image and rotating it and manipulating it from the site. But that's just the beginning — add your Twitter, Facebook, and Last FM accounts to add extra dimension to your 3D "portrait," then share it with friends and on those pages. After all, I heard from a reliable source that 3D is still cool.


We could all use a little more do-goodin' in our lives, right? Well, philanthropy has come online with Karmawish. A social network that's about more than just updating your status to tell people you're eating an amazing burger, Karmawish connects people who need help with those that can help them.

If you see a listing for someone who's in need of something you can do and you help them out, you accrue points that get you some help with whatever you need. It's truly instant karma.

Optimist World

Enough of you sang the praises of good-news reporting outlet Happy News that I knew that finding another similar site would be appreciated. Optimist World covers the same beat — feel-good, upper news that will cure you of your world-weary blues.

The beautifully designed site also has tabs that direct you to charities and companies that are doing the right thing on the regular. I also really enjoy their tagline: "It's not all gloom and doom, you know." That's a great thing to be reminded of.


Tears For Fears was right about one thing: everybody wants to rule the world. I am sorry to report that as awesome as we each think we are, that just ain't gonna happen because we're all pretty, well average. So, next time you are feeling a little mundane, crushed and low (it happens to the best of us!), visit My Life Is Average, a site that celebrates normal, mediocre stories. Readers submit and vote on how "average" or "meh" the stories are. Tales range from "Today I was using my electric shaver to shave, half way through it ran out of batteries. I plugged it into the charger and finished. MLIA." to "Today I flipped an egg too hard and it slipped off the pan. I had another dozen so I made a new one. MLIA." Chin up. We're all in this together.

Texts From Last Night

Chronic drunk texters, beware. The website Texts From Last Night is about to call you out. The site compiles the best texts from the night before — compiled, of course, after you, shame-facedly, or your text receivers send them in to the site.

Of course, it's still an amazing read for the rest of us without that texting habit. Oh, and remember: just because you weren't drunk doesn't means your texts weren't ridiculous, Ted Mosby.


FML has quickly become a crude classic. Readers submit short **** My Life stories that tell the tales of silly and uncomfortable situations, sad tales to those "OMG! Is this really happening to me?" moments. Don't be shocked by the site's name, there's no use of the F-word, just a whole lot of FMLs. We've all been there.

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