Thursday, August 26, 2010


"You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning." - Billy Wilder

If you don't have dreams, you're nothing more than a walking empty soul. You should always aspire to attain a higher level of success that you've previously accomplished. There's nothing wrong with wanting more. Don't live vicariously through anyone else. It is misleading, and can be deadly. That's their path and much like them, your journey is not for others to understand; therefore, carve your own lane with your own aspirations, and make sure they're huge. It's as simple as being a leader, and not a follower. Be the head, not the tail. Set the bar high, but make sure you lay a solid foundation that will stand the test of time, and be able to assist each following footstep. Enable yourself to be a catalyst for a fellow dreamer who may not realize the power that they possess.

Dream, and dream big. Dream SO big that you even surprise yourself with your success. Reach for the unfathomable. Not only is it inspirational and motivating to you, but it could very well be the confirmation and direction needed for others. Allow the praise & accolades you achieve to be just another rung on the ladder of successful progression for those who come after you. Dream just as you fly in an airplane, above the clouds...WAY above the clouds. Never sell yourself short, nor your dreams. Aim to be bigger and better than somebody you admire and respect. With motivation, and dedication & most importantly preparation, any and everything you set out to do is possible. Follow your dreams to see how far they take you. If the endpoint you reach is not the destination you're looking for, dream bigger and better.

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